Materials related to rehearsal and performance of the play, including a published copy (n.p, n.d.; "Den Bühnen gegenüber als Manuscript gedruckt") which has been annotated as a prompt-book; and 3 handwritten role books, for the following parts: Geheimrath Hempel; Emma; and Priemel, Makler aus Hamburg. The play has two other main roles: Lucinde and Referendar Wecker. The published copy is presumably volume 9 of Görner's Almanach dramatischer Bühnenspiele (title page indicates: "Görner, Almanach, IX"); volumes 5-9 were published 1857-1861. The book bears a homemade label designating it as the property of Theodor Bloch, who was active in the German-language theater in Philadelphia from at least the mid 1870s; and the title is listed in the catalog for Bloch's theater lending library (dated 1886, see box 84). The role book for Emma, which is in a different hand than the other two, includes on the cover the name of the actress playing the role, (Fräulein) Fouché. (The collection's holdings of theater newspapers and playbills contain no reference to this play.)